Creativity Coach
Beyond the typical approach to creativity lies access...
...limitless resources that can take an artist of any medium past negative self-talk, past time-constraints and into the field of possibility where your voice gets heard and your humanity gets seen through your art.
Magic is being able to see or believe an impossible thing, bringing its audience to a knowing, an experience that surpasses their current reality or point of view. The creative brings that through. We are trailblazers, message bringers, your artistry is needed. Now.
We are the vehicle of a message, the embodiment of the soul that the audience bears witness to and receives its gifts.

If you feel limited by your:
I'm here to tell you
We are organic beings here to experience the Universe through the love we create. We learn. We change. We came into this world with a soul’s purpose, a beingness that transcends all circumstances.
Those who learn to become less distracted by reaction and circumstance have access to their creative soul.
This is the process of becoming clean
It doesn’t matter what you did in the past or what you were told as a child, there is an artist in you that wants to come out ​

Creative Soul Workshop Series
An 8-week container to Nurture Creation
We will draw from your foundation, your life story, drawing it up to be juiced
by the Creative Seat of your Soul, Heart’s Power/Compassion, Layering in Your freed voice so it can become a video that shares integral pieces of who you are.
Course Overview:
5 weeks to nurture creation.
A bonus week to rehearse/prepare together, in the safety of our little Tribe with trained guidance for every step of the way.
Concluding in a Showcase to share and record these playful experiments with a trusted circle of guests. We ask you not to invite that family member who is always critical but the best friend who only wants your success, that aunt who’s always just kinda “got” you.
And an 8th bonus week for integration; call it a soul-based After Party.